EAE Dude Incredible
kr 4 390
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EAEs Dude Incredible er en paring av to kultklassikere som heter The IVP og en 'percolator' fuzz(Interfax).
Denne kombinasjonen har havnet på mange innspillinger siden den ble først lansert, og nå er Dude Incredible sluppet i et begrenset opplag.
Harm: Input gain for the Percolate channel.
Balance: Output level for the Percolate channel.
Gain: Tube Voice gain control; highly interactive with the Bass and Treble settings.
Level: Output level control, turn clockwise for more volume.
Treble: Tube Voice high shelf boost/cut, +/-12dB @ 3kHz located pre-Gain.
Bass: Tube Voice low shelf boost/cut, +/-12dB @ 100Hz located pre-Gain.
Diode (toggle): changes the clipping configuration of the Percolate channel. Up for less compression, down for more.
Hi/Lo (toggle): changes the gain range of the Tube Voice channel. In the Lo setting the gain range is -15dB to +12dB, in the Hi setting the gain range is +9dB to +36dB.
Right footswitch: Engages the Percolate circuit
Left footswitch: Engages the Tube Voice circuit