Walrus Audio

Walrus Audio Slö Multi Texture Reverb

kr 2 490

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Walrus SLÖ er en multi-tekstur reverb som lar deg legge deilige søvndyssende tepper med reverb.

Når en lever i en hverdag med tretten ambiente reverbpedaler på dusinet og trodde man ikke kunne imponeres noe mer kommer Walrus Audios nye Slö og gjør rent bord.
Slö er en såkalt Multi Texture Reverb med masse nye og spennende algoritmer som faktisk er brukbare i hverdagen.
Denne pedalen tilbyr effekter som Dark, Rise, Dream, Sine, Warp og Sink med sustain- og trails-funksjoner.



DARK – Add a lower octave to your reverb trail. Here you’ll create deep and wide atmospheric sounds and channel nightmarish soundscapes. X knob sets the level of a -1 octave signal that feeds the reverb.

RISE – This is an auto-swell reverb for beautiful cinematic swells. Don’t rush it. Let it breathe and gently wake up. X knob sets the amount of time it takes the reverb to swell in after a note is played. Set lower for shorter rise times and higher for longer rise times.

DREAM – Here is a lush reverb with a latching pad function. Press the sustain switch to latch signal. Experiment with the X knob to add vibrato over the pad. Press sustain again and pad will decrescendo according to where decay knob is set. X knob sets the depth of vibrato applied to the reverb trail.

The Slö also features 3 different wave shapes accessible by holding down bypass while switching the algorithm toggle.

SINE – Smooth and even pitch up and down modulation.

WARP – Asymmetric pitch up modulation similar to a warped record.

SINK – Asymmetric pitch down modulation for sinking detune similar to a Bigsby.